9 Ways to Be a Great Leader

Being an effective leader can serve you well in your personal endeavors and relationships, but such skills are probably most beneficial when it comes to your career. Whether you’re currently a supervisor or not, knowing how to be a strong leader can make your work life easier and more fulfilling. It can also help to put you on the fast track to promotions, as leadership skills are highly-coveted in upper management candidates. Read on if you’d like to learn how to become a great leader or to improve your current skills.

1. Place Value on Communication
Consistent, open communication is essential to maximizing efficiency and avoiding misunderstandings in the workplace. Taking the time to ensure that co-workers understand your expectations will increase the chances of those expectations being successfully met. Providing instructions upfront will save you aggravation and lead to better productivity. It also increases trust.

2. Be a Good Listener
Listening is woven into the fabric of communication. You cannot be an efficient communicator without also being able to listen well. After providing instructions or information regarding your expectations, ask if there are any questions. Listen fully to concerns without judgment or thinking of your own response. When people around you feel you genuinely listen to them, you will gain their respect.

3. Practice What You Preach
Being a good role model is another trait that’s needed in good leaders. Always be sure you are behaving in the way you want your employees or co-workers to behave and that you are following the rules you set forth. Leading by example will inspire others to follow your path, and it demonstrates integrity.

4. Pay Attention to Clues
It’s important to pay attention to details when completing a work project. You also need to pay attention to the behavioral and emotional details you encounter throughout your daily interactions. Notice when an employee’s performance is not up to his usual standards. Ask questions about what might be contributing to this issue, and be open to making compromises with regard to circumstances. Obtaining this kind of insight can help you to make better decisions and will show others that you are genuinely interested in them as individuals. 

5. Admit When You Don’t Have the Answers
Whether you’re the boss or simply wish to be seen as someone who knows her stuff, understand that it’s okay to admit when you don’t have the answers. It may be even more important to be able to admit when you’re wrong. Showing that you’re human will earn you far more respect than pretending to know it all or that you’re infallible. Along these lines, always apologize when it’s called for. 

6. Praise More Than You Criticize
Most people don’t like to give criticism, but you know it’s part of the job and has to be done. What is often overlooked is just how necessary praise is when it comes to developing a positive work environment. Telling someone what a good job they’ve done is actually a far better motivator than pointing out their errors. Positive reinforcement will produce more of that behavior. It will also lead to improved employee relations. 

7. Embrace Change
Change is inevitable. By showing you are open to it and looking for the benefits, you show that you have a positive attitude. In addition, you are demonstrating that you’re someone who possesses ingenuity. Innovators are appreciated among the higher-ups. 

8. Accept Help
A tendency in leaders and those who aspire to leadership roles is to believe they have to do things alone in order to prove their abilities. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Collaboration and sharing the load can lead to better results. It also shows you can work well on teams. 

9. Be Willing to Grow
Being open to learning and personal growth will make you a superstar at work. Learn all you can about your field and the job you wish to have. Take time to demonstrate your knowledge in ways that are useful. Displaying your expertise will definitely take you far. You also need to be willing to grow as a person. Take an assessment of the areas of your personality or skill set that could use some work, and find ways to improve upon them. Being a strong leader requires that you become the best version of yourself. 

Take these examples of ways to be a great leader into consideration if you’d like to improve your leadership skills. The ability to successfully lead others is one of the best ways to reach your own goals.